Stefan Salewski wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 13.01.2009, 13:11 -0800 schrieb Joerg:
>> I started out with Futurenet Dash-2 in 1986, then Dash-4, then 
>> self-employed with Orcad as my tool, later through several versions of 
>> that and a few years ago switched to Eagle. That's what I am using right 
>> now until I find something better. Eagle won't handle hierarchies, other 
>> than that it is nearly ideal.
> Here in Germany many people think that Eagle is only usable for simple
> home-made stuff, not for professionals. At least in Forums like
> If you ask "What EDA tool should I by for my
> small Company" they will recommend names like PADS, Cadence, Altium, and
> say that Eagle is more for kids. This is not my opinion, I used Eagle
> years ago and never the other more expensive tools. But you see opinions
> are different. 

Eagle is IMHO pretty good but it does have one major disadvantage: No 
hierarchy support. That pretty much restricts it to smaller projects. To 
my surprise Cadsoft has never picked up on suggestions to fix that, 
version 5 doesn't have it, maybe their program structure has hemmed them in.

One thing I am going to do is fire up the old DOS-OrCad again. To my 
surprise people have written new graphics drivers and stuff for it. If I 
can also get it to print well on new machines it would be time to crack 
out the champagne. Well, maybe beer.

> And one remark:
> When I go to my local Volkswagen dealer and tell hin how fine my
> Mercedes is and that I have no desire to drive a Volkswagen, only come
> to tell him how he may improve them ... My intentions may be good, but
> my strategy is not.

Yeah, but: In medical electronics we listen very, very carefully to 
cardiologists when they talk about competitor gear. This is not to copy, 
but so we can continually optimize and improve our own products. 
Companies that do not engage in such listening tend not to last very 
long in the marketplace. It is really important to know what other 
groups or organization do wrong and what they do right. And most of all, 
to find out why that is the case.

Since you mentioned cars, I think this is one reason why several 
companies are facing serious financial issues. They did not listen and 
now others are eating their lunch.

Regards, Joerg

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