al davis wrote:
> On Saturday 17 January 2009, John Griessen wrote:
>> How about when you create a new project, all plugins
>> available pop up a dialog so you can enable them for the
>> project or not, then that configuration is added to the
>> project dir gafrc file.
> To put that in perspective ...
> In gnucap, which hasn't had plugins for long, there are 193 
> plugins available, 70 of which are loaded by default.

Umm... yeah, even fifteen would become a hassle.

At the least, I'd like local/project-dir configuration
to determine which compatible group of plugins is loaded,
so you can copy a project when you want to start anew one
and reuse settings/plugins it used.

So if we eventually get a dialog involved it might just be
choose one of these standard workflows, and get a set of compatible plugins

John Griessen

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