>> I would actually recommend you use PRIMARY, not CLIPBOARD (though I
>> also recognize that you may not have meant "clipboard" to be the
>> technical term here).
> No, Peter B and I discussed this, and we explicitly did _not_ want to
> use PRIMARY.

Hm, then I suspect you'll find yourself unable to paste into X clients
with relatively unsophisticated selection paradigms (which are likely
to use PRIMARY and nothing else).

> The UI paradigm for PRIMARY is passing the currently selected text
> between applications.

Well, the currently selected object.  Text is perhaps the commonest use
of it, but it's by no means restricted to text.  But see below.

> If we start claiming the PRIMARY X selection every time someone has a
> schematic object selected in gEDA, [...]

Oh, yes, certainly.  I wasn't thinking you'd take the selection every
time an object is selected; I was expecting selecting as in picking an
object to operate on and selecting as in preparing to paste would be
different operations (with unfortunately similar names).

> I don't know of any other applications which claim the PRIMARY
> selection for graphical objects.

That's odd.  I don't see any basis in either the ICCCM or the EWMH for
the use of anything else for routine selection data transport.  Is
there something I missed, or is this just an observation that some
client authors think they know better than the ICCCM spec that PRIMARY
is "the principal means of communication between clients that use the
selection mechanism"?

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