On Jan 19, 2009, at 7:47 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

>> If BOM is the central place of information, then it may be very
>> useful to have a way to transfer some information back into
>> schematics or pcb file. For example we may change value or footprint
>> in the BOM and want to transfer this information back to
>> schematic. Is there a method available?
> My idea had the concept of "direct" vs "inferred" attributes in
> gschem.  Direct ones are the ones you specify, like device and value.
> Inferred ones are those which are determined by process of elimination
> through some external database.  Example: If you picked a 4.7K 0603
> resistor, the database might infer a manufacturer's part number and
> vendor.  It might even infer the 0603 based on, for example, some
> min_wattage attribute and a default preference for certain package
> types.
> But my idea didn't *require* it to get back to gschem.

And for my flows, I'd prefer to keep the schematics as clean as  

>   The gsch2pcb
> process

gnetlist, please. Let's not only serve pcb.

> would query the database (you can read this as "bom" if you
> like ;) to find out footprint and pin mapping data for everything it's
> importing.  The schematic doesn't need to know the footprint, pcb
> does.


It seems to me you're arguing for a plugin mechanism for gnetlist,  
too. Right now, gnetlist merges netlists and attributes extracted  
from gschem schematics, and then passes that information to a "back  
end". But why not allow multiple front ends? Merge information from  
multiple formats into the data structures. Then allow "filters" to  
work it over: that's where one might implement a "requirement to BOM"  
process. Finally, pass that to the back end as now.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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