Brendan Howell wrote:
> Hello gEDAns,
> I am one of the developers of Fritzing, a simple FLOSS EDA made for less
> technical (non-engineer) users.  

Great!  There is a need for this.  I am active in the Homebrew Robotics 
club of Silicon Valley, and many people walk in with very limited 
experience in electronics.  Robotics/mechatronics combines 
software/electronics/mechanics, and the typical new member has a 
strength in one of those three and find one of those three alien.  I'd 
love to be able to point electronics newbies to a PCB package with a 
friendly learning curve that would allow them to build small simple 
boards, and have a "graduation" path to a more capable package like gEDA 
after they are comfortable with the concepts and want to do more complex 
boards.  (Not that gEDA is hard to use with some coaching... my daughter 
started routing her own PCB's at the age of 8 and loves it... but OTOH 
she doesn't make her own footprints.)

> Right now, I'm working on a gEDA-PCB footprint import component that
> converts gEDA footprint files to our internal SVG based files.  In the
> long term we would be interested in supporting some sort of export path
> so that users can export Fritzing projects and continue working on them
> in gEDA.

Both excellent goals.  One of the best things you can do to make a 
"newbie friendly" pcb package is have a reasonable library of footprints 
ready to go from first install.  And for the users I envision, having a 
smooth migration path from Fritzing to gEDA is the perfect solution.


> Feel free to try out our latest builds, give us feedback, tips, gripes,
> etc.  And we are totally open to any kind of collaboration.
> best,
> Brendan Howell
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