Hello --

I've seen an uptick in interesting industry news and industry blog
postings related to zero-cost as well as open-source EDA software
recently [1].  Here are two examples:


Occasionally I am moved to post a reply to the article as a way to
raise awareness of the gEDA Project, as well as other FOSS projects
like Kicad, opencircuitdesign, etc.  However, I don't like to do too
much of this since if I respond to all the FUD out there, then I
become just a crank, which doesn't raise any awareness.  Being a
crank is bad for everybody, including the gEDA Project.

Therefore, I was wondering if other folks might be interested in
getting occasional private e-mails from me alerting them to any such
articles.  Then, folks who felt moved could respond to the posts.
That way it wouldn't only be me responding to these blog posts.
Rather, we'd have a gEDA tag team doing guerilla marketing.

If you're interested in helping get the word out, please e-mail me
privately at sdb (at) cloud9 (dot) net.  I'll just put you on my list
of recipients and I'll occasionally send you a "heads-up" e-mail about
some post I have read somewhere.  You can decide to do nothing, or if
you're feeling energetic, you can respond to that post.  Also, I
promise not to sell your e-mail addr to any spammers.  :-)



[1]  I suspect that interest in both zero-cost *and* true FOSS EDA
stuff will increase as the world economy continues to tank, so this is
an opportunity for us true FOSS people to get the word out about gEDA
to the wider engineering world.

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