I don't know about "guerilla marketing", but it might help to tell  
people about successful gEDA projects. Matt Ettus (http:// 
www.ettus.com) has apparently built a thriving business around free  
hardware designed with gEDA. My friends at MIT and Espace, Inc. are  
using his products to upgrade the HETE communication stations to  
support a variety of space missions, basically anything the dishes  
are suited for, rather than just the frequency/modulation used by a  
single mission.

Of course, most professional gEDA projects are proprietary, so you  
can't show people much. However there's my ASIC work with Osaka  
University, which has spawned several papers, so you can read *about*  


The first paper mentions gEDA and ngspice. A few names are named,  
too. ;-)

I'm thinking of publishing the project itself, but as a project it's  
rather disorganized, and I'd want to clean that up. I've learned a  
lot about organizing big gEDA projects over the last few years.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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