you can try attribute autoplacement. Look for "Autoplace
component/net/buses text attributes hook." in system-gschemrc.

Attached is a PS, showing 4 groups of components.

Each group has two columns, the left one is the component placed with
the default gschem configuration. The right one is with attribute
autoplacement on.

Notice how the algorithm moves the refdes in the op-amp so it doesn't
intefere with pins.

This feature can be used when rotating, or mirroring a component as



El mié, 28-01-2009 a las 17:12 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak escribió:
> Hi,
> when working with gschem, I next to never want rotated text. However, by 
> default attributes seem to stick to the graphics and rotate with it. I 
> find myself unrotating the text after I rotated the symbol by 90°. An 
> alternative is to select the graphics only. But this requires many mouse 
> clicks (select symbol, click on each and every attribute while holding 
> the shift key).
> Is there a way to configure gschem to not rotate or move the attributes 
> while rotating a symbol?
> ---<(kaimartin)>---

Attachment: attrib-autoplace.ps
Description: PostScript document

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