On 02/01/2009 01:36:15 PM, Carlos Nieves Ónega wrote:

> you can try attribute autoplacement.

I tried, but it makes things worse. I like to have attributes stacked with 
refdes on top, value in the middle and footprint on bottom. Like this:

 0805 ||

In addition, I don't want vertical text, even if the symbol is rotated. This 
is why I am not happy with the default config of gschem. Autoplace avoids 
vertical text. However, it mixes the stack of attributes in various ways. It 
seems to ignore the footprint attribute. Consequently, the other attributes in 
some cases overlap with the footprint attribute.
The "comple-place-changed-hook" keeps all attrbutes seperated. But it places 
vertical text at 90° and at 270°.

See the attached test (PDF).

Kai-Martin Knaak

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