I have and am currently developing a advanced netlister called spNet
that does full hierarchical netlisting plus other features. Right now
I have released a version on my website that uses gnetlist as a
backend but I already completed a version that is it's own netlister
and does not need gnetlist but the documentation isn't full done yet.
I will release a development version today that is full ready to use
but will lack proper documentation. I'll reply to this post again once
its released.


On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 1:50 AM, A.Burinskiy<alexb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using gnetlist -g spice-sdb ...
> 1. Netlister doesn't exctract subcircuits as a subcircuits, but correct
> refdes instead.
> It puts, for example MX1/M23 instead of
> .subckt ...
> M23
> .ends
> X1 ....
> 2. netlister also doesn't correct Resistors. It is supposed that refdes
> will be corrected as RX1/R3, but gnetlist produces X1/R3
> 3. ngspice doesn't recognise MX1/M23 .... - it get confused with model
> name and treat it as a node. MX1_M23 fixes the problem, but keeping
> subckt sounds more reasonable against flattening netlist.
> Is any way to correct gnet_spice-sdb to get list subckt as a subckt? I
> try CVS version and 1.5.2 with the same bad results.
> Thanks,
> Alex.
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