Steven Michalske wrote:
> Taking this as you can code some scripts up......
> Here is one approach for you to try.
Aah, I hadn't even considered that possibility--- do it outside of gEDA
instead of within it...  D'oh!  :)

> Now with this groundwork you can run a script that will update the  
> schematic page's symbols with mapped pins.
> To do this you will probably need to embed the symbols into the  
> schematic first.  Then map the pin numbers from ? to the real pin  
> numbers.
> We would probably need to add the pintypes of nc for no connect and na  
> for not available, to allow for parts that have fewer pin packages,  
> and no connects in larger packages.

I suppose I could even use the "template" to merely kick out a bunch of
mostly-redundant .sym files, one for each footprint.  That might be
easier for me to start out with, rather than attacking a whole sch file
at the same time...

> Got some code game?

I just might!  :)


Bill Gatliff

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