On Jun 28, 2009, at 2:53 PM, Bill Gatliff wrote:

> John Doty wrote:
>> How does your plan differ, except by making the process more
>> complicated? You have to put the information *somewhere*. For maximum
>> ease and flexibility, put it in your project's copy of the relevant
>> symbol. You don't need to implement or learn *any* additional
>> capability beyond what Hs gives you.
> But the information that's in *my* project will be identical to what's
> in everyone else's project.  That's a waste.

You're just entering it in a different layer. Creating a whole extra  
abstraction, for the same redundant information. That's a waste.

>   And it also makes it more
> labor-intensive to switch footprints,

Assuming I've already figured out the pin changes and edited a symbol  
to reflect them, or found somebody else's symbol that has the right  

mv wherever/small_opamp.sym low_noise_opamp.sym

Not so difficult.

Of course, if the pin numbers don't change, it's merely a matter of  
changing footprint= in a single symbol file.

In your scheme, you still have to tell the machine what the changes  
are: it can't read your mind. So it's no simpler.

> something that I think the tool
> should be able to deal with for me.

The tool can't read your mind. Somebody has to enter the data. The  
tool already gives you an easy way to enter the data. So, there's  
nothing missing, nothing to improve.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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