Anthony Shanks wrote:
> I suppose makefiles are a matter of perspective. What you call
> flexibility I call a missing feature. In my opinion a robust spice
> netlister includes hierarchical netlisting and other features I
> included in spNet that I see out in industry. In your opinion
> netlisters should be bare bones and makefiles should be included in
> your flow.

One of the best programmers of all time once said "A program should do 
one thing well". So much waste could be avoided if people would just 
understand this simple principle.

>  Ok thats fine. Whats the problem here? Are you always this
> hostile to people who try to contribute to the community? 

You have spread serious misinformation on this list.

You claim hierarchical netlists cannot be generated using gnetlist.

You have misrepresented how the existing gEDA SPICE netlisting works in 
other ways: you plainly don't understand the usage of the model= and 
model-name= attributes.

That makes me hostile.

> As someone
> who is relatively new to the gEDA community I saw a huge gap in
> gnetlist and gspiceui for people interested in using gEDA for IC
> simulations so I thought I'd contribute.

The gap is largely a result of not doing your homework. Study Stuart's 
stuff first.

>  I started with making a new
> netlister and plan on making a new simulation gui comparable to what
> you see in industry. Again, why so hostile? This is the first time
> I've contributed to a open source project and never thought I'd be met
> with such hostility.

Contributions are welcome. Misinformation isn't.

On the positive side, your netlister does not get in the way: it is a 
separate program that one can ignore. That's a good thing. But please, 
don't claim advantages where you are ignorant of what you're comparing 
it to. From where I sit, gnetlist is an amazing tool. It's the main 
thing that makes gEDA a superior toolkit.

John Doty      Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

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