Anthony Shanks wrote:
> I'm not going to go back and forth anymore about the topic because I'm
> not sure anybody is benefiting from it but I'll say this:
> I didn't mean to offend or insult anybodys work. If I came across as
> such I apologize. I *personally* felt gnetlist itself (not the whole
> gEDA flow or toolkit, the gnetlist program itself) could use a few
> more important features so I decied to write my own netlister. Simple
> as that. I wasn't looking to invalidate anybodys work or re-invent the
> wheel. Just offering *in my opinion* an easy alternative to anyone who
> wants to make hierarchical schematics and doesn't want to make
> makefiles for their specific flow. Just run the netlister and you're
> done. If you don't like it, cool, just offering my program for those
> who are interested and it looks like at least a few so far are. Simple
> as that.

how does spNet compare to gnetman which is also an alternative 
hierarchical spice netlister for gschem?

On the topic of gspiceui replacements....  I think the trick is to write 
a GUI tool that is fairly generic and can read in at runtime an ascii 
description of the available simulator analysis types and their options.
The GUI tool would then on the fly build the required dialog boxes. 
FWIW this is sort of how the export dialogs in PCB work.  The export 
HID's define an attribute list and the actual gui code is never touched. 
  The GUI's look at that attribute list and build dialogs with tooltips 
and everything at runtime.

Then fully document that interface and leave it to the simulator 
distributions to keep that file up to date.  Otherwise I think you'll 
never ever have something that is in sync with even one simulator much 
less more than 1 (different versions of spice count as more than 1).


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