On Fri, 2009-10-02 at 16:38 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Oct 2009 09:50:37 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:
> > IMO, this is _not_ cheating, it is a standard technique. The surface of
> > a board is flat - so you render it as one quad, and texture map the
> > surface.
> > Any real structure you wanted to represent (board edges, vias etc..)
> > would need more complex geometry.
> Well, if I think of a 3D representation of a design, the pcb is just one 
> part of it. Components and the enclosing need to be added to make it a 
> useful tool, rather than just a fancy picture. It would allow checking 
> for mechanical constraints prior to manufacture. 
> Kicad seems to be (almost?) there:
>       http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Kicad_3dviewer.jpg

Actually, looking at the Kicad code briefly made me realise that it
isn't "that" hard to do 3D view. Basically they are just parsing VRML
models (possibly just a subset of the syntax emitted by wings3D), and
emitting GL drawing calls.

The bits I haven't got:

1. VRML parser
2. Any models!
3. 3D Matrix setup for the GL stuff.

> But again, I am not advocating to go along this route. Export of 3D data 
> in some format that blender and decent mechanical CAD applications can 
> import, would be a better way.

I'm not sure, but I heard VRML was actually a common interchange format.

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