Sorry about the weird numbers but yes everything is in mm, the diagram
I had used mm as the units so I have to draw everything using mm.

I didn't consider fab requirements, hand soldering requirements, or
pin numbering since just was just my first pass at me learning the
tool. I'll be re-editing the symbol a bit later but from what I can
tell it passes the default DRC except the min silk screen width. Which
is ok with the fab I'm going to be using.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 10:40 PM, Bert Timmerman
<> wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> Anthony Shanks wrote:
>> Finally getting the hang of the footprint file format, here is a
>> footprint of a dsub 15 high density connector (Analog VGA) if anyone
>> needs it.
>> More footprints to come.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Congrats :)
> Just a couple of notes for you to keep an eye on :
> - ordering of pin numbers looks weird to me, this might bite with (your)
> gschem symbols.
> - I do not have a drill size 46.85 mils , or is this metric 1.189 mm ?
> - pad diameter is 70 mils.
> - annulus = 11.57 mils, is that large enough for hand soldering ?
> - solder mask hole is 65.06 mils, giving a -2.47 mils overlap with the pad.
> You can check pin/pad dimensions and stuff by hovering over and pressing
> <ctrl><r>, and you get a popup dialog with values.
> I for one always check pin dimensions in a text editor (with calculator
> nearby as I live in the metric universe).
> <note to devs>
> IMHO, it's is a major pitah that pcb doesn't allow for interactive
> entering/changing these values in the popup dialog (that is present
> values in entry boxes instead of text labels).
> Maybe I should scratch that itch myself.
> </note to devs>
> Kind regards,
> Bert Timmerman.
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