On Sun, 2010-02-07 at 14:08 -0700, John Doty wrote:

> What I don't see in the LyX docs is any *automated* way to get from  
> a .lyx document to printed output. The way I use TeX with gEDA, "cvs  
> update;make docs" builds all of the documents from the  
> various .tex, .sch, etc. I have been using TeXShop as a TeX editor:  
> as it keeps documents in TeX source form, there is no issue here.
> Can LyX do this?

Lyx has its own file format, but it can export to various flavours of
LaTeX (IE.. code for plain latex, pdflatex).

Similarly, "File->Export->PDF (pdflatex)" is all you need to produce a
document - not sure if it can be driven via the command line or not.

Peter C.

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