gene glick wrote:
Do you all use Latex for editing docs, or maybe open office or other? I'm getting fed up with the open office bugs and starting to think that Latex is a better alternative. Busy compiling Lyx as we speak.

Just curious if it works out well-

I switched to LaTeX 15 years ago and have never looked back. mmmmmmm LaTeX.

You may also want latex-mk available at

I have never bothered with Lyx. Since switching to LaTeX I have used it for class handouts, a thesis, a book, a couple of journal papers, many letters, memos, technical documents, and more. The ability to collect data and get it formatted in a programming fashion and the ability control it all via a makefile has been a huge benefit to me.

Before switching I was a die hard word user. I'd actually taken the time to read the entire manual and felt like I qualified as an expert user of it. But I finally hit a point where it just wasn't working well for a bunch of reasons (bugs, poor scaling to large documents, poor multi-author support, poor interaction with cvs or other source control system, poor/no interaction with other scripting, and more). I'm sure some of those things are different now, but you couldn't pay me to switch back.


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