
Obviously gschem is intended for electric circuits, but has anyone
used it for hydraulic schematics?  The hydraulics industry has defined
a fairly rich schematic language [1][2] for describing hydraulic and
pneumatic systems.

I didn't find a gschem hydraulic symbol library, so I'm attempting to
build one.  My first stumbling block is the use of filled and
non-filled triangles, which differentiate hydraulic pumps from
pneumatic compressors.  Is it possible to draw filled triangles or
polygons with gschem?

Do you foresee any other difficulties?  ... aside from simulating a
hydraulic circuit with spice or generating a layout.

(BTW at Eaton, we have a history of bending EDA tools for our
purposes.  We used GTKWave to view and analyze vehicle data in



[1] http://www.hydraulicspneumatics.com/200/eBooks/Article/True/32028/
[2] http://www.airlinehyd.com/KnowledgeCenter/Symbols.asp

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