Hi --

Obviously gschem is intended for electric circuits, but has anyone
used it for hydraulic schematics?  The hydraulics industry has defined
a fairly rich schematic language [1][2] for describing hydraulic and
pneumatic systems.

I didn't find a gschem hydraulic symbol library, so I'm attempting to
build one.  My first stumbling block is the use of filled and
non-filled triangles, which differentiate hydraulic pumps from
pneumatic compressors.  Is it possible to draw filled triangles or
polygons with gschem?

I don't think vanilla gschem currently supports filled regions.  But
this is a frequently requested feature, and the folks in Cambridge may
have coded up a solution based upon the whizzy graphic work they have

Do you foresee any other difficulties?  ... aside from simulating a
hydraulic circuit with spice or generating a layout.

Actually, my first thought was:  What kinds of simulations (if any)
does one do in hydraulics?  Are there any standard simulators?  If so,
generating a netlist to feed to such a simulator might be an
interesting hobby project.

(BTW at Eaton, we have a history of bending EDA tools for our
purposes.  We used GTKWave to view and analyze vehicle data in

Awesome!  How did you get the real time info into GTKWave?  IIRC, it
only reads .vsd (and other simulation) files.


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