On Fri, 2010-08-06 at 17:42 -0700, Andrew Poelstra wrote:

> Well, I don't think we can make things that simple. You mentioned
> ensuring decoupling caps are close enough to their components. But
> some components have Vcc and Gnd awkwardly placed, so to connect the
> cap would require dropping to another layer to avoid getting in the
> way of other pins.

These "Maximum Distance between OpAmp and bypass Cap" problem is really
a special but important case. It is more related to two pads/pins than
to nets. We can click in gschem on a pair of tow pins to mark this pair
with the condition "Max Distance = ...". Autoplacer can use this
information in PCB program. RatsNest lines in PCB can specially mark
these pin pairs. And after we have routed our board DRC check may verify
if these maximum distances restrictions are fulfilled.

The big problem is again how to transfer netclass information from
gschem to PCB (and maybe back). I really have no good idea and my Unix
programming skills are too weak. Saving and loading files is simple, but
not really nice in my opinion...

Best wishes,

Stefan Salewski

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