On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 18:54 +0200, Armin Faltl wrote:

> >
> JG, in my opinion Rick has a point, that without 100% clear definitions from
> and for all of those talking here using "subnet", the whole discussion 
> has a high
> chance of getting nowhere

This is true -- but the point is not "100% clear definitions" but
"skills and time and will" to work and code.

Andrew Poelstra has shown at least some of the last mentioned. My fear
was, that he moved in a wrong direction, because he is new to EDA and
gEDA/PCB. And that he fast turns away from this project again -- without
support by some motivating words.

I myself -- I guess I will not find much time to learn the internals of
gEDA/PCB in the next 12 months, sorry.

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