Bob Paddock wrote:
   > a 10000 part library operating a layout service bureau
   Take a look at <[1]> "The worlds first and
   only truly open source for 2D and 3D PCB component package, part and
electrical device data".

   I corresponded with Dino Ditta, the person behind the site, when it
   first opened.

   He was open to having KiCAD and PCB symbols posted there.  Maybe we
   could get behind his 3D effort rather than DXF?

After giving it a quick read yesterday, I like Bryan Bishop's SKDB idea
better.  His concept is a package manager for 3D and BOM data used to make
things with FOSS tools.  The form of a package is not very rigid -- he wants
to use what is out there, but organize it some.  If there is a way to get the 
ready to feed to a tool, he wants the format to go that far.

So for gEDA purposes, since we have no formal project packages, "getting"
a design would likely be getting a project dir to unzip, along with
the libraries used and gschemrc and pcb settings needed to modify it.

Is there a way to change settings for pcb without using the ~/.pcb dir
and only use ./ defined settings?

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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