On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 11:23 +0200, Armin Faltl wrote:
> John Griessen wrote:
> >
> > In your work flow, English words convey duties to hired layout persons.
> > In my example, I only hire the autorouter.
> >
> > Sounds very useful.  Especially for open hardware projects and hobbyists,
> > and bottom line oriented business folk.
> >
> Sounds like you suggest the autorouter as suplement to propper understanding
> of layout - I've been struggling and reading for weeks now with this 
> subject.
> One of the primers I found states: ... The autorouter is a tool to speed 
> up the
> work of specialists and should be avoided by beginners. It is no replacement
> for understanding the implications of your layout...
> My very little experience with autorouters also makes me believe, that
> an autorouter has even less understanding of EMI issues than I have ;-)

And an autorouter, which has no idea of the intended layout by the
designer, is really not too useful. When we give some hints, the
autorouter may become more useful. But in first line the "define
netclass in schematics" proposal was bound to manually routing.

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