----- Stefan Salewski <m...@ssalewski.de> wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 18:54 +0200, Armin Faltl wrote:
> This is true -- but the point is not "100% clear definitions" but
> "skills and time and will" to work and code.
> Andrew Poelstra has shown at least some of the last mentioned. My fear
> was, that he moved in a wrong direction, because he is new to EDA and
> gEDA/PCB. And that he fast turns away from this project again -- without
> support by some motivating words.

I don't expect to move on anytime soon - though we will see how much
time I have left when school starts again. Certainly, EDA is filled
with exciting computing science problems, while being useful at the
same time. Life is much harder if you can't hack the hardware around
you :)

Also, the gEDA codebase is certainly cleaner and more hackable than
typical, and the list much more open-minded.

As for going the wrong direction - if we don't ever explore, then
how can we learn?


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