kai-martin knaak <k...@familieknaak.de> writes:

> Larry Doolittle wrote:
>>> All the cutting, sed-ing and pasting of the subcircuits to multiple
>>> instances, with replication of later changes on all copies is pretty
>>> unflexible.
>> Agree 100%.
> +1
> Cloning, referencing, or whatever we may call it, would need
> a fair amount of programming. Given that nobody has stepped
> up yet to implement it, this may be pie in the sky. 

For now I ask to just keep this use-case in mind for the future, while
new concepts are developed that partition a PCB layout now.

> In the meantime, a more powerful copy procedure could reduce
> the effort:
> Imagine, the copy-buffer action would accept a string parameter
> that it adds to the refdes property of every footprint before
> actually pasting to the layout. If this string matches the
> string gnetlist attaches to subsheet symbols, the copied block
> of layout would fit the netlist. On copy, other footprints with
> the same refdes should be automatically removed.

This solves the part of making the replication, which has been solved in
various ways before, more or less conveniently.

The maintanance part is not addressed, where existing solutions require
the pcb-scripting cpapabilities of a DJ.

I do not like the part about removing footprints on copy.


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