On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 10:01:44 -0600, John Doty <j...@noqsi.com> wrote:

> Not important. The quick fix (make the stack bigger) is known and should
> incorporated in the distributed system-gnetlistrc. The problem is a
> consequence of dropping a functional language into a procedural culture:
> will continue to crop up as we get additional contributions of back ends
> (and hopefully plugins). The quick fix may be unaesthetic, but it doesn't
> cause additional problems.

I'm sorry, but I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this
point.  I believe that we should actually fix the problems, and enjoy the
increased performance, rather than whack band-aids on them and pretend
they're not there.

In my opinion, gnetlist backends and (eventually) plugins that get accepted
into the gEDA repository should be written to work on arbitrarily large
designs.  If that means that contributors need to learn how to think
functionally, so be it.  There are plenty of excellent resources on the web
to help with programming efficiently in Lisp-like languages.  I'd never
seen Lisp-like syntax before I started hacking on gEDA, and if a Bear of
Very Little Brain like myself can learn it, why shouldn't others be able


Peter Brett <pe...@peter-b.co.uk>
Remote Sensing Research Group
Surrey Space Centre

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