Andrew Poelstra:
> On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 05:31:42PM +0200, Markus Hitter wrote:
> > Being a new gEDA user and fairly experienced with other CAD
> > applications I can tell I couldn't care less. If one ever has to
> > enter or read coordinates manually, there's something incomplete or
> > wrong with the GUI.
> I disagree. There are situations I can think of in which manually
> entering coordinates would be simpler than using a "GUI" method.


> I definitely think we sould flip the coordinate grid,

I we go for this, I can provide some of my time.

> but what would that do to exiting files?

Converter program?

New version string and swapping the old y's like the parser do for
mm's and such?

/Karl Hammar

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S-742 94 Östhammar
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