I discovered a box of books that never got unpacked after the last 
rearrangement of my home office.  Among these, I found several EDIF-related 
books.  Since I long ago stopped giving a rat's rear end about EDIF, I offer 
them to the group.  I'm guessing I could stuff them into a USPS flat-rate 
mailer and get them about anywhere in the USA for about US$8.00 -- not sure 
about cheap international shipping options.  You can have them for the cost of 
shipping.  These books are about 20 years old, so to the extent EDIF has 
evolved since 2.0.0, YMMV.   I don't follow EDIF any more, in fact I will run 
quickly in the other direction at it's mere mention, so I can't comment on 
their actual utility today.  Contact me off-list if you want to save these from 
the fireplace.

EIA-584: Electronic Design Interchange Format Version 2 0 0
EIA EDIF/AG-1: Applications Guide: Using EDIF 2 0 0 For Schematic Transfer
EDIF Question and Answers Volumes I,II,III, and IV, Prepared for the Design 
Automation Conference 1991
EIA/EDIF-1 Introduction to EDIF, Vol 1
EIA/EDIF-2 Introduction to EDIF, Vol 2


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