On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 10:05:48AM +0100, Alberto Maccioni wrote:
> > * no voronoi mode: all the "other tools" (see below) support a mode
> >  where they fill the unused area of the board with the closest net.
> >  this cuts the machining time down to less than 50%.
> Can you explain more?

an image probably explains this best: [1]. all the implementations i
know do this by exposing the gerber files to a bitmap and doing
something like a simultaneous flood fill on all the connected
components; then they trace the resulting edges.

this is, of course, not an option for circuits where signals are slowed
down by having meandering lines, or even on circuits where small
capacities added between adjacent nets, but for many boards that are not
that sophisticated, it makes the manufacturing faster and the soldering

[1] http://www.mit.edu/~vona/Visolate/ATM0PCB0-three-ways-med.jpg

On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 12:48:17PM +0100, Markus Hitter wrote:
> Yes, this would be a very welcome addition. Is there a pure C
> library with this stuff available somewhere? Java or C++ isn't an
> option for inclusion with gEDA.

none at the moment, but there is some consolidation work ongoing, which
might even result in a library being split off.

personally, i'd rather prefer a solution where the complete program is
called. for matters of integration, it could even be shipped and built
together with geda.

i understand why java is not an option, but would a complete c++ program
be acceptable as a dependency (that is, as a standalone program instead
of something linked to)?

> Without code patches, lines on the outline layer are handled just
> like any other traces. This is improved with some of these patches:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?
> func=detail&aid=3100354&group_id=73743&atid=538813
> You can apply them all without loosing anything. Outline milling is
> still limited to rectangular boards without holes, though.

ok, that explains a lot.

i'm still using the last release, but given the number of patches
available, i should probably have a look at the vcs. that way i can also
have a look at how things work here.


To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
  -- Bene Gesserit axiom

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