I am attempting to model several of the BOURNS 4100R Series resistor
   packs for use in gaf and I have some questions about some of the
   examples referenced in the geda:master_attributes_list.  One of the
   resistor packs has a set of isolated resistors in a package where, for
   example, a two resistor package would have pins 1 and 4 connected by a
   resistor and pins 2 and 3 would be connected by a resistor.  I am
   guessing that I would use numslots=2 and would have slotdef=1:1,4 and
   slotdef=2:2,3.  I would also expect to see two resistor drawings in the
   .sym file for use in gschem.  In the example using the 7400 NAND
   package I see that four slots are defined in the .sym file but only the
   symbol for the first gate is included.  Wouldn't  you normally include
   symbols for each slot or does gschem somehow know to generate the same
   symbol for each slot?  Only one gate shows up for me when I select it
   in gschem.  I did look at the example resistor pack rpack-1.sym but it
   doesn't use the slotdef attribute at all.  Does anybody know why?

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