"Young, Michael I. (DFRC-SR)" <michael.i.yo...@nasa.gov> writes:

> I guess I now use the same refdes (e.g., refdes=U1) on each one to
> tell gschem I am referring to the same package and refdes=U2 for a
> second package, etc.

Yes.  Symbols with the same refdes are the same component.

> Can I also just add the schematic drawings for the other devices into
> the .sym file so they all come up at once?

You won't be able to edit them separately if you do; you'd have ONE
symbol that just LOOKS like four, and you wouldn't be able to change the
slots indepednently.

> For example, if I have a package with ten resistors in it can I just
> set up the .sym file so that they all appear so I don't have to edit
> the slot number on ten different resistor symbols?

Sure, but that would be ONE symbol that happens to reflect all ten
resistors, not ten slotted symbols that happen to be in one file.

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