Can I use this instead of distilled water?

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Stephen Ecob
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 8:46 AM, yamazakir2 <> wrote:
>> So am I getting this right?
>> Step 1. Flux Remover
>> Step 2. Wash with soap and water (dish soap)
>> Step 3. Wash with Isopropyl Alcohol
>> Step 4. Dry
> Yes, if the water has low mineral content.
>> That should leave me with a nice clean board correct? Assume I have a
>> high mineral content tap water.
> If your tap water has a high mineral content then you should get some
> distilled water - it's not expensive and will work better.
> I also just read this:
> A bit different from my normal procedure, but seems to work well.
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