On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 05:01:33AM +0100, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Mark Rages wrote:
> > License allowing, can you please post the fixed plugins somewhere?
> The necessary modifications are simple one-liners.
> Both are plugins are GPL, so here you go:
>       http://lilalaser.de/tmp/smartdisperse.c

Thanks for fixing that.  You got to it before I even saw the first
message about the breakage.  I updated the copy I link from gedasymbols.
I was dismayed to see I have that source under RCS (!) control.  Time
to upgrade!

I'll made the change to distalign.c too.  I still think that's a plugin
worthy of being plumbed into the UI.  Earlier discussions of arcs made
me think that "distribute along arc" wouldn't be a bad idea.

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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