Hi Kaimartin,

I did not saw satisfactory analog viewer for ngspice. Could you please send me a link or project name? My goal was to have viewer for ngspice, which I use for IC design, with all the specific requirements for this field. Thus I suit ngsope for this - analyzes ngspice waveforms, noise plots, biasing observation, stability analyzes (Bode plots), transients etc. I do not know any viewer with such capabilities in OSS.

Integration of simulator and gschem - that is gschem developers business, but I do not think it will ever happened due to obvious reason - there is no in OSS standard simulator which everyone uses. I prefer ngspice - the most powerful simulator in OSS. Second reason - integration by itself useless, to make it powerful models should be developed for every component used. Another reason - UNIX is terminal driven thing, with all the consequences. From my practice - GUI is just a candy - too much sugar and no health, it significantly limits tool capability.... By the way, I remember sourceforge has at list one GUI with interface to simulator. I try this long time ago. Useless.


On 04/04/2011 03:04 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
A.Burinskiy wrote:

Due to name conflict I rename program zview to ngscope, did minor
corrections and submit it to sourceforge again.
Just curious: Why are there so many projects for viewers of simulation
data? I'd personally see the more immediate need in a better integration
of simulation with the gschem GUI.


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