Rick -

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:27:54PM -0400, rickman wrote:
> ... Providing a real time display with a high
> update rate would be a challenge for me.  If that part is done, then
> the first major hurtle is done.  Some part of the hardware design
> depends on what the software requires to facilitate the real time
> data transfer.

My RF gear makes a plausible "vector oscilloscope" (my waveforms that
are centered around a carrier get downconverted to vector baseband),
although I haven't worked on a spiffy or flexible user interface.
Multiple 3-D wire-frame traces of ~1000 points updating faster than
the eye can follow, on crappy old Intel laptop graphics chips.
I use fltk+opengl, based on the fltk cubeview demo code, processing
data brought in over USB at typically 8 Mbyte/sec.

   - Larry

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