On 04/06/2011 05:16 PM, Russell Dill wrote:
The use case I'm talking about, you have two nets, say GND and AGND1
which are two planes that are connected at a single point. Connecting
a component on the AGND1 side is different that connecting a component
on the GND side.

Yes, Levente's way of handling that after the fact is practical and
what I like to do, since then you keep all your DRC's working against
error, and have one more step to do after DRC complete.  Perhaps that
method could be scripted with a makefile?  Can commands from a script
make a layer invisible and not part of DRCs?  If so, then the starpoint
connecting copper could be on a special layer for that purpose alone,
and merged in by using visibility or not.

Else merge it in with gerbv as RS274-X only.

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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