On Apr 8, 2011, at 1:13 AM, Stephan Boettcher <boettc...@physik.uni-kiel.de> 

> rickman <gnuarm.g...@arius.com> writes:
>> I have to say I am philosophically opposed to any feature that allows
>> a design to pass DRC when the layout differs from the schematic.  
> Just to get the terminology right:
> DRC has no business to care about the schematics at all.  There shall be
> a tool to check if the layout implements the schematics netlist, but
> that is a different issue.
DRC vs ERC. 

A while back I proposed that there were object attributes that allowed for a 
single connection from a net.  If the ERC caught more than one connection from 
that net.

> PCB implements this distiction properly.  DRC checks consider coper
> structures as layed out when evaluating the rules, without regard to the
> netlist.
> The Rat's-nest (O-key) ignores DRC rules when checking connectivity.
> -- 
> Stephan
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