On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 11:25:19PM +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:

> What about the cases where this is a mistake? The net= attribute was
> supposed to refer to some implicit power pin - not the device's one
> symbolic pin, but the user forgot the suffix.

The special case applies only to symbols with a single pin, so no such
error is possible here.

> Our power symbols already fell like a bit of a kludge as there is no
> physical pin or component which ends up in the netlist file.
> (Why should we have to give that power symbol's pin ANY pinnumber
> attribute? Why is pin 1 special?)

That's right - if a symbol has only one pin, then if it is :1 or :999
it does not matter. I added this restriction only because default power
symbols use :1, but that can be dropped.

> _I_ think it adds to the confusion - as it would mean there are two
> completely different syntax for the same attribute to be used in
> different situations.
> I don't want to see that special case code proliferate in gEDA. We have
> enough already!

That is the main case against this change - one that changes from an
"improvement" to a "kludge" :)

> A far more satisfying solution in the long run would be to make the
> symbols which annotate net naming (like the power and ground symbols,
> off-page labels etc..) have an editable attribute associated with the
> PIN which gets hooked up to the net which becomes named (or renamed).
> (netname=....) as if it were on the net its-self.

That would be the best idea, of course.  The power symbol with a
net=NETNAME{:PINNUMBER} actually acts same way (probably modulo gnetlist
config options) as netname=NETNAME attached to the same net.

Any idea how to make such "annotation" symbols work?  Another variation
along the lines of "graphical=1"?  Attributes (inherited or explicit) of
such symbol could be applied directly to the connected net/bus.

Krzysztof Kościuszkiewicz
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" -- Leonardo da Vinci

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