On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 01:02:40PM +0100, Andrew Seddon wrote:
> Yes I got this.
> OT: I'm new hear so please feel free to ignore this comment, but might
> it be worth switching to google groups or similar? The interface is
> nice and you can use it like a traditional mailing list if desired.

Last year we tried that for challenge24 to remove some load from our 
servers during the contest. It works fine as long as you are using web 
and especially if you have google account, but for a plain, non-google 
user with email only it wasn't that good. I can not recall what exactly 
went wrong, but I remember we had to switch back to mailman running on 
our own server.

I personally would be more happy to keep the mailing list "private" - of 
course I am not the one who contributes hosting, bandwidth or admin 



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