On May 16, 2011, at 4:25 PM, al davis <ad...@freeelectron.net> wrote:

> On Monday 16 May 2011, Steven Michalske wrote:
>> But lawyers can use that clause as a loophole to invalidate
>> legitimate patents.
> Minor side effect of "lawyers can use that clause as a loophole 
> to invalidate ILLegitimate patents" ...  which outnumber the 
> ligitimate ones a million to one.
A software licence should not be used for this purpose...  As a person with 
patents,  I can't afford to contribute substantual code back, but I can use all 
the code I want.  Because my patents are legitimate.

But this is straying from this lists topic.

I wish the best of luck to those that wish to reinvent this wheel,  a gpl 
compatible library with a less restrictive licence bsd, MIT, etc...  Could be 
used to extend pcb and gschem.  And allow commercial interests to support us.

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