On May 16, 2011, at 4:30 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak <k...@lilalaser.de> wrote:

> Steven Michalske wrote:
>> In a perfect world this would not be an issue.  But lawyers can use that 
>> clause as a loophole to invalidate legitimate patents.
> The notion of software patents is by no means obvious. In fact, it is 
> subject to serous doubt. See the undulating tale of conflicting judgments
> by the  (European) Court of Justice.
The clauses are not limited to just software patents.  Imagine building 
hardware with gschem,  100% legal and your design is yours.

Now,  you accidentally included a symbol with a gpl licence.  Now I know we 
release the bulk of our symbols with explicitly free use licenes.  But I may 
have used tom's that was pure gpl.  And Tom saw my 

>> Big point here, I was talking to some of the google compilier guys 
>> and finding out that most of the big compiler guys around consider 
>> gcc to be a dead man walking, largely due to GPLv3 issues. This is
>> not limited to Google either, but includes Apple
> Neither of them is notorious for their contributions to the gcc
> code base. They both have the resources to roll their own compiler 
> from scratch. Why don't they?
>> and many of the other players.  
> like the FSF? 
>> The latest revision of the gpl threatens input from companies.  
> smells like FUD
>> Not the only reason,  I am more than willing to share code, even
>> at no cost.  Although, I'm not selfish enough to demand that all
>> of their work must be given freely to me.
> There is no such clause in GPL3
> The cases of openoffice shows how important the absence of loopholes
> in the GPL is to the continuous freedom of open sources software is. 
> Oracle demonstrated how big players try to chain software written by 
> others to their legal stronghold.
> ---<)kaimartin(>---
> -- 
> Kai-Martin Knaak
> Email: k...@familieknaak.de
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