On Sep 2, 2011, at 9:36 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

> Besides, I always thought geda/pcb's competition was Eagle, not the
> real high-end EDA tools.  There are a *lot* of features we don't have,
> that are hard to come by, that the high end tools have.

I came to gEDA from Viewlogic, which I used to design electronics for four 
space missions. I wasted a huge pile of taxpayer's money on it. I vastly prefer 
gEDA. Viewlogic was crummy, dirty, buggy software *loaded* with confusing 
"features" that never seemed to do quite what was needed.

gEDA is, by contrast, much cleaner and simpler: it doesn't waste my time the 
way Viewlogic did.

I don't think gEDA really has any competition: it's really for those of us 
who'd rather spend a few minutes solving a problem with a few lines of AWK 
instead of spending all day searching for a suitable "feature" in thousands of 
pages of documentation. gEDA's unique in that respect. Another unique 
capability is the way it plays nicely with foreign tools, at multiple levels. 

Hurray for gEDA!

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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