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Am Mo den 25. Mai 2009 um 19:13 schrieb Omari Stephens:
> > At least for the editor Vim there should be a modeline in every source
> > file which forces the coding style to the correct one. The same feature
> > might be available for other editors too.
> I hadn't noticed that the VIM modelines were present.  They seem to dictate 
> 8-space tabstops (which is how my editor is set), which simply goes to 
> demonstrate that the problem is worse than I originally thought.

Hmm... What is worse with forcing a unify coding style? Without the
modelines every one has to set his own settings and the code get very
different style.

> No, my point wasn't that we should change the definition of a tab stop.

Ah, sorry, I didn't understand correct.

> The point was that our codebase should not contain tab characters at
> all.

Hmmm... With that I have no problem. I absolutely don't care if there
are spaces or tabs. Vim is handling that stuff completely transparent
for me.

> At the very least, though, I think that trying to indent comments (that occur 
> on 
> the same line as some code) with tabs is a losing proposition ??? adding or 
> removing a single character can (and often does) throw the alignment way out 
> of 
> whack.

Ehem, Adding or removing a single character if the code is indented with
spaces _always_ change the alignment.

> Also, spaces provide sufficient granularity to move the comment away
> from the code without forcing the comment to be broken over two lines.

If the line is long then also space indented comments are broken to new

> > It would be nice to have beautified code. But that doesn't happens
> > unless we prove that as a checkin filter. However. I prefer to _have_
> > comments than that they are left out cause of lazy to format them
> > proper. (And programmers _are_ lazy. ;-)
> True.  However, consistently-formatted and -commented code is a _huge_ help 
> as 
> far as getting acquainted with a codebase; it can easily make the difference 
> between gaining new contributors and stumping people who move on because they 
> can't figure it out.
> To put that point clearly, yes, comments are good.  The codebase doesn't have 
> nearly enough comments for me to suggest that their value outweighs the value 
> of 
> having them formatted consistently.  Also, don't tell me it's a pain to add 
> or 
> remove some whitespace so that the comments line up; come on.

Well, I just learned from the real world. If you force programmers to
much then the result is less then other way around.

> By contrast, working through geeqie's new-window creation process, I saw a 
> bunch 
> of different ways I could try to fix the color-management thing.  The problem 
> was that it was practically impossible to tell which was correct or not ??? I 
> had 
> no way to figure out what a function was _intended_ to do, and the code was 
> often convoluted enough that I had to run it through gdb to figure out what 
> it 
> actually did.  In many cases, there were different codepaths that appeared to 
> do 
> pretty much the same thing, and it was practically impossible to figure out 
> why 
> the codepaths were different, or what I might break if I tried to merge them.

That is a point. The code was grown over long time. So that ends in the
different solutions for the same think. However, Vlad did some unifying
in the past (as I remember) and so it have to go on.

I did also find some functions which are never ever called. (However, I
just removed them in my local git repository.)

> So, this leads to another thing: we need tests.  We absolutely need tests.  
> Note 
> that what "test" actually means is "a specification of behavior."  Otherwise, 
> it's difficult or impossible to know whether a potential change will break 
> some 
> other behavior, or modularity, or abstraction barrier.  And what better type 
> of 
> specification than one that can also check and enforce that the code is still 
> in-spec?

So, geeqie is a GUI application. How should every aspect of a GUI be
tested automatically? Tests might be good for command line applications
or for APIs but for GUIs tests are (in my opinion) meaningless.

- -- 
Klaus Ethgen                            http://www.ethgen.de/
pub  2048R/D1A4EDE5 2000-02-26 Klaus Ethgen <kl...@ethgen.de>
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