Bagaimana dengan polusi udara dalam kampanye dan debat “pilkada”?

Jakarta unmoved by worsening air quality

Corry Elyda 

The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Wed, January 25, 2017 | 06:13 am 

Major pollutant: Black fumes come out of the exhaust pipe of a car that runs on 
diesel fuel during a free emissions test at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah culture 
and tourism park in East Jakarta (JP/P.J. Leo) 

More and more Jakartans are using face masks on public transportation and 
motorcycles and while walking on the streets.

Just like in many other cities of developing countries, people in Jakarta are 
being exposed to worsening air quality.

But the city administration appears to be slow to respond to the alarming rate 
of air pollution, with no clear plan on the table on how to address the problem.

Instead, the administration has said it will simply rely on old programs, like 
boosting the usage of natural gas for vehicles and better enforcement of 
emission tests for vehicles.

Environment Agency deputy head Ali Maulana conceded that the air quality in 
Jakarta was far below the safe level.

“Areas like North Jakarta and West Jakarta have the worst air pollution level,” 
he said on Tuesday on the sidelines of a workshop on air pollution by the 
Breath Easy Jakarta project, which was supported by the United States 
Environment Protection Agency.

The main reasons for the pollution are densely populated residential areas and 
a lack of adequate open green space.

“Because of the dense population, mobility of the people is also high. In 
addition, many areas in North Jakarta are dedicated to industry,” he said.

Ali said his agency would continue enforcing the obligation for public vehicles 
to use natural compressed gas (CNG). The regulation has been in force since 

“However, implementation is poor due to the low number of available CNG 
stations and poor law enforcement,” he said. The administration also plans to 
convert all of its official service vehicles to be CNG-powered. “I believe the 
impact will be quite significant given the high number of service vehicles 
[owned by the administration],” he said.

The agency alone currently has 1,200 vehicles, including garbage and pickup 

“After we modify all of our vehicles, we will ask other agencies to follow our 
lead,” he said. Ali said his agency would cooperate with city-owned company PT 
Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) to establish CNG stations and mobile refueling 
units (MRU).

Currently, only bajaj (threewheeled motorized public vehicles), Transjakarta 
buses and some taxis use CNG as fuel.

In the future, all vehicles in the capital will be obliged to pass emission 

Sarath Guttikunda, a scientist from Desert Research Institute (DRI), which 
participated in the project, revealed that the level of fine particles ( PM10 ) 
in Greater Jakarta’s air was mostly categorized as unsafe. “The safe level is 
between 10 to 25 microgram per cubic meter,” he said, adding that almost all 
areas in Jakarta were found to have higher levels of PM10.

“Areas with heavy traffic like toll roads, airports and ports are at the PM10 
level of more than 125 microgram per cubic meter,” said Guttikunda, who 
conducted the study from 2012 to 2015.

His study also showed that there were an average of 3,700 premature deaths, 
260,000 asthma attacks and 85,000 emergency room visits per year.
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