Seperti biasa, anda ternyata hanya manipulasi menggunakan nama John Roosa.
Yo... wis!
---In, <nesare1@...> wrote :

Ente yang mau berdebat dan mau goblok2in dan mau menyalahkan ane, koq ane yg 
disuruh membuktikannya?!!!!

Gobloknya minta ampun!


Cari sana! Katanya orang pinter apalagi tukang ramal. Moso’ gak bisa cari tahu 
apa ide john rosa?!!





From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:55 AM
To: Yahoogroups <>
Subject: RE: [GELORA45] (Tiada) Proklamasi Indonesia Tanpa Wikana



Omongan anda itu serba mencla mencle putar puter nggak karuan sama sekali tidak 
bisa dipercaya, tunjukan saja tulisan John Roosa yang mana yang anda maksud, 
kalau tidak bisa copy & paste sebut saja bab berapa halaman berapa biar saya 
baca sendiri.



---In, <nesare1@...> wrote :

Gobloknya memang sudah keterlaluan!

Sudah jelas pengetahuannya cetek lalu maen ambil kesimpulan tulisan orang lain!


Jelas sekali kan ente itu mau bilang pembunuhnya adalah Orba/Soeharto dan bukan 

Ane pancing pake’ pendapat john rosa dan brad Simpson bahwa ada pentolan PKI 
yang terlibat.

Eh ente langsung ambil kesimpulan bahwa ane bilang PKI yg membunuh.


Gobloknya minta ampun organisasi PKI disamakan dengan pentolan PKI!


Gimana dengan peran CIA yg ngubek2 negara orang lain?!

Gak ada maki2 dari ente kan?!

Hehehe kalau sudah baca sana sini, ya mbok oneliner nya ditambah dgn CIA!!!!!

Jangan mentang2 itu tukang kacau sama2 dari negara ente, jadi bias!!!!





From: [] 
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 3:37 PM
To: Yahoogroups <>
Subject: RE: [GELORA45] (Tiada) Proklamasi Indonesia Tanpa Wikana



Anda itu memang benar2 chicken yg hanya bisa main putar puter omongan.


Ini yg saya katakan:



John Roosa mengatakan PKI pelaku pembunuhan para jendral???? Ah yang bener aja!

Justru John Roosa mengatakan pengakuan2 yg dipakai Soeharto sebagai bukti itu 
didapat dari hasil penyiksaan berat yang kemudian disangkal ybs. Ini cuplikan 
tulisan Roosa:





Proving the Case 


The first evidence the army adduced that the Communist Party of Indonesia, the 
PKI, was the mastermind of the September 30th Movement were confessions from 
two army officers who had participated in the movement. They had supposedly 
confessed while under interrogation to have acted on orders from the PKI An 
army information document released in early December 1965 cited the transcripts 
of the interrogations as proof of the PKI’s leadership of the September 30th 
Movement.52 Thus began the Suharto regime’s practice of treating interrogation 
reports (Berita Acara Pemeriksaan or Proses Verbaal) as solid evidence when 
backing its claims before the public. 


One of the so-called confessions was by Colonel Abdul Latief. I have a copy of 
the transcript of his interrogation held on October 25, 1965.53 In the 
transcript, he admits to being a “sympathizer” of the PKI who was willing to 
accept orders from the party. He unequivocally states that the PKI “planned the 
kidnapping” of the six generals and that he was a mere “implementer” of the 
party’s plan.54 He confesses to having been “more loyal to the party’s orders” 
than to those of his own superior officer.55 When Latief was brought to trial 
in 1978, after thirteen years of captivity, he claimed that he was barely 
conscious during the interrogation. According to his courtroom testimony, 
interrogators from the military police came to Salemba prison when he was still 
suffering from the wounds inflicted during his capture two weeks earlier. The 
soldiers who raided his hiding place on October 11 had fired a bullet into his 
left knee and rammed a bayonet into his right thigh, breaking the femur.56 His 
interrogation was held while he was lying prostrate on a table, doped up on 
painkillers, immobile with both his legs in casts, and starving from not having 
been given enough food for days. During the twelve-hour interrogation, from 
3:00 PM to 3:00 AM, he occasionally passed out. At his 1978 trial, he admitted 
to having put his signature on the transcript so that the interrogation would 
end: “I hoped that once I recovered or was in a condition to be interrogated 
again I could correct it.”57


He was interrogated again, in late December 1965, and he did correct the claims 
in the first interrogation transcript.58 His second interrogator, from the 
police, seems to have been more willing to accept his story, unlike the 
military police who interrogated him earlier. His story changed dramatically. 
He denied that he had any affiliation to the PKI and insisted that the PKI had 
not led the September 30th Movement. The Suharto regime’s publications never 
cited, or even mentioned, his second interrogation.


---In, <nesare1@...> wrote :

Betul2 orang satu ini sudah gila!


Jelas pendapat john rosa masih tetap bahwa: pembunuhan 1965 itu ada 2 hal: 
militer dan politik. Ini kesimpulan john di UW Madison waktu nulis disertasi 
nya. Militer itu AD dan politik itu adalah bbrp pentolan PKI.


Gak ada sama sekali john rosa bilang peristiwa 1965 itu dilakukan oleh PKI! Dia 
bilang oleh bbrp pentolan PKI. Sudisman juga bilangnya begitu!


Brad Simpson muridnya Jeffrey winters juga setuju dengan meminjam hipotesis 
John Rosa, menyimpulkan bahwa G30S dijadikan dalih/justifikasi bagi Soeharto, 
AD, dan pendukung internasionalnya untuk melakukan pembasmian terhadap PKI.


Dari mana ente bisa dapet dan berani mengklaim john rosa bilang yg bunuh adalah 


Koq bisa pentolan PKI disamakan dengan PKI?!!!




Lalu koq chicken chicken an ane?!!

Wong ini masalah pendapat john rosa, koq dihubung2kan dgn chicken chicken?!!


Ngerti juga ndak. Hanya model potong sana potong sini. Cuplik sana cuplik sini, 
lalu petentang petenteng seolah2 paling pinter!

Lalu chicken chicken orang lain kalau sudah salah!!!!






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