*Socialism Is More Popular Than You Think, Mr. President* *Most surveys
show Trump would lose in a matchup against a democratic socialist named
Bernie Sanders.*

*By **John Nichols* <>
*Twitter* <>

*D*onald Trump’s State of the Union Address
not feature a musical soundtrack. But, if it had, surely the orchestral
accompaniment would have soared when he got to the line: “We are born free,
and we will stay safe. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will
*never* be a socialist country.”

But, just as surely, the music would have quieted down as the camera
shifted to the assured countenance of newly elected US Representative
Ocasio-Cortez <>, the New York Democrat who was
elected last fall after campaigning as “an educator, organizer, Democratic
Socialist, and born-and-raised New Yorker running to champion working
families in Congress; or that of US Representative Rashida Tlaib
<> (D-MI), who won her 2018 primary and
general election races as a member of Democratic Socialists of America and
was endorsed by DSA’s muscular chapter in the Detroit area
<>. And the music would have stopped when
it got to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who is often referred to as
best-known socialist
and whom a lot of people would like to see challenge Trump in the 2020
presidential race.

The president might have wanted the joint session of Congress, and the
American people who bothered to listen in, to believe
“Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism
in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence—not
government coercion, domination and control.”

But every recent national poll of prospective 2020 voters has Sanders, the
democratic socialist, beating Trump, the socialism basher.

A PPP survey
January 22 had it Sanders 51 to Trump 41. That was an improvement on the
nine-point lead a PPP survey gave the senator last June

When CNN
prospective 2020 voters last year, it was Sanders 55 to Trump 42.

In the battleground state of Michigan, which Trump narrowly won in 2016, a
new Detroit News/WDIV-TV poll
Sanders leading by 11 points.

A PPP survey of North Carolina voters, which was conducted
month, put Sanders ahead 48-45 in another state that the Republicans won

Sanders has not announced that he will challenge the president. But the
senator, who won 23 primaries and caucuses as a contender for the 2016
Democratic presidential nomination
generally polls
the top of the Democrats and independents who will judge the wide field of
2020 Democratic prospects. (He’s behind former vice president Joe Biden but
ahead of all or most of the other announced and prospective candidates.)

Biden often polls a point or so better against Trump than does Sanders in
hypothetical matchups for a 2020 general election contest. But Sanders
tends to run better than other Democratic prospects.

So it doesn’t seem like the “s” word is dragging the senator down.

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Perhaps that is because, while Trump may think “socialism” is a scare word,
and while many prominent Democrats may get scared when it is referenced,
Sanders is comfortable discussing the ideology. “Do they think I’m afraid
of the word? I’m not afraid of the word,” says Sanders

On Tuesday night, the senator trumped Trump’s “born free… stay safe”
rhetoric with a simple observation
<>: “People are
not truly free when they can’t afford health care, prescription drugs, or a
place to live. People are not free when they cannot retire with dignity or
feed their families.”

That’s how Sanders does it. He’s not defensive. He’s aggressive. While
Trump equates the humane democratic socialism that millions of Americans
embrace with “government coercion, domination and control”—in a desperate
attempt to narrow the discourse—Sanders makes honest comparisons that
expand and enhance the dialogue.

“I happen to believe that, if the American people understood the
significant accomplishments that have taken place under social-democratic
governments, democratic-socialist governments, labor governments throughout
Europe, they would be shocked to know about those accomplishments,” the
senator told me several years ago
<>. “How many
Americans know that in virtually every European country, when you have a
baby, you get guaranteed time off and, depending on the country,
significant financial benefits as well. Do the American people know that? I
doubt it. Do the American people even know that we’re the only major
Western industrialized country that doesn’t guarantee healthcare for all?
Most people don’t know that. Do the American people know that in many
countries throughout Europe, public colleges and universities are either
tuition-free or very inexpensive?”

The numbers don’t tell us that America is a socialist country. But they do
suggest that Americans are intrigued by socialism as an alternative to
capitalism. Thirty-seven percent of Americans now view socialism
positively, according to a Gallup survey from last year. And among the
rising generation of voters, the numbers are substantially higher.
“Americans aged 18 to 29 are as positive about socialism (51 percent) as
they are about capitalism (45 percent),” explains the Gallup analysis.
“This represents a 12-point decline in young adults’ positive views of
capitalism in just the past two years and a marked shift since 2010, when
68 percent viewed it positively.”

Another set of numbers may be even more telling. Membership in Democratic
Socialists of America has spiked from 7,000 members in 2016 to over 55,000
today. And dozens of democratic socialists now serve in elected posts, from
the US Senate to the US House to state legislatures and municipal
governments and school boards across the country.

Take note, Mr. President, the “s” word isn’t as scary as you think. Indeed,
says Ocasio-Cortez, “I think he’s scared.”

“He sees that everything is closing in on him,” says the democratic
who is advancing a Green New Deal plan and proposing tax hikes for the
rich. “And he knows he’s losing the battle of public opinion when it comes
to the actual substantive proposals that we’re advancing.”

John Nichols <>TWITTER
<>John Nichols is *The Nation*’s
national-affairs correspondent. He is the author of *Horsemen of the
Trumpocalypse: A Field Guide to the Most Dangerous People in America
from Nation Books, and co-author, with Robert W. McChesney, of *People Get
Ready: The Fight Against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy

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