Donald Trump said China respects him because of his "very, very large brain." 
Do you agree that China actually respects him, or are they simply being 
friendly in order to win a trade war?

 Shayn McCallum, On the verge of 
completing my PhD in political theory.
 Answered Sep 27, 2018


 They don't respect him at all but the Chinese are nothing if not decorous. In 
Chinese culture, it is not acceptable to openly mock someone in power, this is 
seen as a sign of poor character. Thus, the Chinese do not openly mock Trump.
 But, if you pay attention, there are clear signs they consider him an idiot. 
They are always polite, always diplomatic but under the veneer, what they are 
actually doing speaks volumes.
 It is more than obvious that they see Trump as a sign that America is 
finished, a walking carcass, a zombie. They see the election of this babbling 
buffoon as a clear symptom that Americans have completely lost the plot and, 
while still dangerous due to their abundance of weaponry and access to 
resources, there is no longer a coherent mind behind the mailed fist.
 The Chinese are not necessarily happy about America’s decline because their 
relationship with the USA has, until recently, been quite symbiotic. Now that 
the US is necrotizing, we can expect to see China debriding the joins and 
pulling away in its own direction.
 None of any of this is good for the world but that’s what’s happening.
 For those of us who dislike conflict, madness and wild dangerous rides into 
potential global destruction but like to appear stoic and unafraid in the face 
of adversity, now is a good time to invest in several pairs of brown trousers.

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