Can Huawei survive the blockade by the USA and its allies? Which countries may 
use Huawei's 5G gears?

 Mas Miwa, former Engineer at Hughes 
Space and Communications
 Updated Feb 20


 Right now, only the US, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan have taken a 
position on blocking purchases of Huawei telecom gear. The EU, UK, and Canada 
are still in question. Huawei already has 25 5G contracts and just added 
Thailand to it’s list. Huawei is already implementing 5G in China, it appears 
to be at least a year ahead of US companies.
 5G in most countries will operate in two bands. A lower LTE band and a 
millimeter wave band. (“5G will use spectrum in the existing LTE frequency 
range (600 MHz to 6 GHz) and also in millimeter wave(mmWave) bands (24–86 GHz).
 5G - Wikipedia
 The US has begun service in the LTE band, but China is starting networks in 
both frequency bands. Huawei also announced a LSI chip for 5G use.
 Huawei takes on Qualcomm with better, faster 5G chip and home router
 My opinion: Huawei’s lead gives them a headstart into applications by others 
that need 5G data throughputs to realize their functionality. Things like an 
autonomous vehicle, remote surgery, AI and others. That is, ‘real-time’ control 
and feedback.

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