*Vandalized building in North Sulawesi not mosque, authorities say*


*Vandalized building in North Sulawesi not mosque, authorities say*


   Agustinus Hari

   The Jakarta Post

Manado   /   Fri, January 31, 2020   /   10:14 am

*A screenshot from a viral video circulating on social media purports to
show an act of vandalism in the Agape housing complex, Tumaluntung Village,
North Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi, on Wednesday. (JP/Screenshot) *

Local security personnel have asserted that a building vandalized in the
predominantly Christian Agape housing complex in Tumaluntung village, North
Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi, on Wednesday evening is not a mosque.

“It is not a place of worship, but a public meeting hall in the housing
complex that was vandalized by a group of people on Wednesday evening,”
Bitung Military District Command commander Lt. Col. Kusnandar Hidayat said
on Thursday.

The incident went viral after Twitter user *@MohCipto1* uploaded a video
showing a group of people taking apart furniture and fixtures while wearing
shoes and sandals inside the building. They appeared to be followed by
onlookers who were recording the incident on their smartphones.

The footage briefly shows a banner in front of the building, which reads,
“We residents of Tumaluntung village oppose the construction of this
mushola/mosque in our area because 95 percent of the residents around the
mosque are non-Muslims. We don’t want loudspeakers to disrupt our everyday
lives, and we don’t want to be charged with blasphemy for complaining about
the noise.”

The building, identified on Google as Al-Hidayah Mosque, has been the
subject of controversy among local residents in recent years.

Read also: Videos surface purportedly showing vandalization of N. Sulawesi

Kusnandar said the incident broke out due to false information suggesting
an unidentified individual dressed as a member of radical group Jamaah
Tabligh came to the building. The information sparked a misunderstanding
between local residents which led to the incident.

“Military and police personnel were immediately dispatched to the scene.
Everything is safe now,” Kusnandar went on to say.

As of Thursday evening, military and police personnel were still guarding
the scene.

North Minahasa Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Grace Krisna D. Rahakbau
deplored the incident, saying that he thought residents of the regency were
“very kind-hearted”.

He added that police had arrested a resident after the incident. He did not
mention the reason for the arrest.

North Minahasa Regent Vonnie Panambunan said she had held a meeting with
the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) regarding the act.
She agreed it was caused by a misunderstanding.

“We also agree that a mosque will be built on the land after the necessary
documents are completed. All activities in the meeting hall are suspended
for now,” she said. (kuk)

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